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september 2015


learn how to make smarter choices with your money

6 Big Money Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Guy made a financial mistake.Life can be challenging at times as we make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. But why make more mistakes than you have to - especially financial mistakes that can set your finances back years - when you can learn what the common mistakes are and how to avoid them?
Have a look at these 6 big money mistakes and make sure you're not making any of them.


25 Frugal Living Ideas So You Can Save Money and Pay Off Debt

Cutting personal expense costs.Learning how to live frugally is really important when you’re trying to gain firm control of your finances and pay off debt. The term "frugality" is often associated with pinching pennies and depriving yourself of things that bring you joy, when in fact the opposite is true.
Frugal living isn't about living as cheaply as you can. Instead, it's about making mindful choices that allows you to save money so you can pay off debt and enjoy the small – and big – things in life.

Here are 25 ideas to help you live more frugally right now so you can accomplish your financial goals more quickly.


5 Things You Need to Do to Live on One Income Successfully

How to survive on only one family income.Many families with young children really struggle to find the affordable child care arrangements they need. Add to this the steadily increasing cost of living, and more and more parents are re-evaluating how they can find a better work-life-family-lifestyle balance. Some are deciding that the benefits of living on one income outweigh the drawbacks.
Transitioning from having two household incomes to one definitely affects your lifestyle. However, by making some conscious decisions about how you manage the changes, you can work to bring about the greatest benefit for your family.
Here are the top 5 things you need to work towards to be a successful one income family.


The Easiest Way to Prevent Financial Problems: Organize Your Finances

Woman worried about her financial problems and debt.Financial problems can arise for a variety of reasons, and although overspending or a job loss may seem to be the cause of someone's financial challenges, for some people the root problem lies with not knowing how to organize their finances. If you can't find your credit card bills, you won't know when your payments are due, and if you have debts you've long forgotten about, your credit score will take a turn for the worse.
If you've often asked yourself, "How can I organize my finances?" here are five simple things you can do to get your financial house in order.



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Christmas Without Credit

 Oct 14, 2015


75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

 Oct 1, 2015

 Nov 14, 2015


Ending the Financial Feud - Couples & Money

 Oct 28, 2015

 Dec 17, 2015


Let's Talk Credit

 Nov 17, 2015

 Dec 9, 2015


Financing Basics

 Oct 5, 2015


Homeowner Basics

 Oct 20, 2015


Budgeting 101: 6 Easy Steps to Manage Your Money

 Nov 12, 2015

 Dec 4, 2015


Cautious Consumerism

 Oct 7, 2015

 Nov 27, 2015


Raising Financially Fit Kids

 Nov 19, 2015

 Dec 15, 2015


Homeowner Basics

 Oct 20, 2015


Organize Your Finances in 1 Month

 Nov 9, 2015

 Dec 4, 2015


Retiring Without Debt

 Nov 5, 2015


Super Simple Savings

 Oct 17, 2015


Food & Finance

 Oct 22, 2015

 Nov 25, 2015


Irregular Income

 Oct 26, 2015

 Nov 23, 2015


Living on a Fixed Income

 Oct 30, 2015

 Dec 5, 2015


Planning for Post Secondary School

 Oct 28, 2015


Planning for Your New Arrival

 Nov 12, 2015


Budget Breakers

 Nov 14, 2015

 Dec 7, 2015


Beyond the Piggy Bank

 Nov 3, 2015

 Dec 3, 2015


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Smart Money Tip


Where do you find money to save if you don't have any right now?

Here are 10 great places to look




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