Live Online Budgeting, Credit, and Personal Finance Webinars (Workshops)
Free Online Money Management, Personal Budgeting and Credit Education Courses, Workshops & Webinars in Canada
You can attend one of our live, interactive online financial workshops for free from the convenience of your home computer (the link will take you to our sister site). |
Ask yourself:
- Do you believe you were born with money management talent?
- Did you have parents that taught you how to manage your money well when you were growing up?
- Did you have teachers that taught you about money while in school?
If you’re like most of us, the answer is NO to all three questions. However, the amazing thing about money management is that it’s a skill, and if it’s a skill, it can be learned.
The Credit Counselling Society is committed to providing Canadians with financial literacy education and skills in the following ways:
- Free, live online webinars (links to sister website)
- Tailor-made workshops for workplaces (links to sister website)
- Professional development webinars (links to sister website)