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may 2015


learn how to make smarter choices with your money

7 Steps to a Budget that Works

Seven steps to budget planning and creating a personal or household budget that works.Think back to your very first pay cheque – paper route money, babysitting income or a cheque from a part–time job. Did it come with instructions? Instructions seem to be included with the simplest devices these days, and yet, with something as important as our pay cheques, we’re left to figure it out on our own. No one is born with money management skills. They must be learned.

The foundation of sound money management is a spending plan we call a budget - but don't let the word scare you. It's simply a plan for your money based on your priorities. Building a spending plan that will work well is a step–by–step process. Here are the steps involved.

How to Pay Off Your Debt More Quickly & Save Money

How to pay off your debt faster.Do you ever wonder what the most effective methods are for paying off your debts quickly and saving yourself a lot of money in interest? Here are some tricks that people often use to pay down mortgages quickly, however, they can also be used to pay down other debts quickly—like car loans or even credit cards. See how these techniques work.

7 Really Smart Things You Can Do for Your Finances

Have you ever wondered what the best things are that you can do for your financial future? Here's our list of some of the smartest things that anyone can do.

Read the full story or click on any of the points below to learn more:

1.     Create a Spending Plan

2.     Pay Off Debt and Stay Out of Debt

3.     Set Savings Goals

4.     Start Saving Early (But It's Never Too Late to Start)

5.     Do Your Homework Before Making Major Financial
        Decisions or Purchases

6.     Don't Be Hasty With Big Financial Decisions

7.     Stay Married

Help Us Teach Kids About Money in School! - Vote Now

Raising financially fit kids.How often have you wondered, ‘Why don’t they teach kids about money in school’? Here’s your chance to help us make it happen.

For the last four years we have been working with a group of enthusiastic teachers to equip them with skills and resources to teach kids in grades 4 - 7 about money. The students LOVE the lessons and activities and tell their teachers that they can’t wait for the next time that they get to learn more about money.

At the Credit Counselling Society we know that helping people learn how to manage their money gives them the tools they need to look forward to a brighter financial future. However, by the time people contact us they are usually on the brink of a financial crisis and they have a lot of work to do to get back on track.

That’s why we started the Financially Fit Kids project - and we’re excited to share it with you! Kids love to talk about money and are naturally inclined to save. If we can help them learn about smart saving and wise spending at a time when they’re most interested and able to do it, they will have what it takes to become financially capable teens and adults.  

With a proven track record and a project that works, it’s time to let more teachers in on the secret. Will you help us do it?

No, we’re not asking for your money. Just your vote. We've entered a contest to win the money to expand the project, but to win, every vote counts. This is your chance to help teach kids about money in school!

Please take a minute to vote for our project. Registering is as easy as entering your name and email address. Then VOTE to support the Financially Fit Kids project. Together we can reach thousands of kids who will always remember, that they did learn about money in school!

Register to vote here. Once registered, click here to vote.


Upcoming Webinars


Let's Talk Credit

 May 13, 2015


Debt Solutions

 May 19, 2015


Organize Your Finances in 1 Month

 May 21, 2015


Food & Finance

 May 25, 2015


Retiring Without Debt

 May 27, 2015


Budgeting 101: 6 Easy Steps to Manage Your Money

 May 27, 2015


Conscious Consumerism

 May 29, 2015


Raising Financially Fit Kids

 June 8, 2015


Christmas Without Credit

 June 10, 2015


75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

 June 16, 2015


Budget Breakers

 June 22, 2015


Irregular Income

 June 24, 2015


Super Simple Savings

 July 11, 2015


Raising Financially Responsible Teens

 July 16, 2015


Ending the Financial Feud - Couples & Money

 Aug 15, 2015


More Webinars


Smart Money Tip


Thinking of getting a payday loan to tide you over? Here's how much it could end up costing you.




This newsletter and 

are educational outreaches of the Credit Counselling Society, a non-profit service.


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