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july 2014


learn how to make smarter choices with your money

How to Afford a Summer Vacation When Money is TightAffordable family vacation ideas.


Getting away during the summer months for a much needed vacation is an expense many Canadians struggle with. When money is tight, here are 6 things you can do to help avoid the summer-time blues and still catch a break. Learn more.


3 Ways People Get Caught by Joint Debts


Two people who are bound together by joint debt.People are often shocked by the ways in which joint debt can affect them. To help you avoid these pitfalls, we delve into the top three ways people can get tripped-up by joint debts:
  1. One person is listed first on all joint debts
  2. Partners separate
  3. Parents trying to help their children


Should You Rent or Buy a Home?


Chosing to rent or buy a home.Is it better to rent or buy a home? Many people ask this question, but often only hear one answer. People in North America generally think that it is much better to buy a house or condo rather than rent one—and they have good reason for thinking this. We all know people who have made a lot of money off of owning their own home.


So why would you want to rent when you can make so much money owning a home? Surprisingly, there are a lot of good reasons why someone may not want to become a home owner. Keep reading to learn more.


10 Tips for Paying Off Credit Card Debt


10 tips for quickly paying off credit card debt as fast as possible.Ready to pay off your credit card debt? Here are 10 practical ways you can quickly tackle your credit card debt and take your first real steps towards becoming debt-free.

Find out more about the popular methods for paying off credit cards quickly, how to create a spending plan and the different ways your financial institution may be able to help. Learn more.


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Irregular Income

 June 24, 2014


Couples & Money

 June 25, 2014

 July 30, 2014


Budget Breakers

 June 26, 2014

 July 2, 2014

 August 8, 2014


Super Simple Savings

 June 26, 2014

 July 10, 2014

 July 28, 2014


Conscious Consumerism

 June 28, 2014

 July 14, 2014


Raising Financially Fit Kids

 June 28, 2014

 August 14, 2014


75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

 July 12, 2014

 July 22, 2014


Budgeting 101: 6 Easy Steps to Manage Your Money

 July 14, 2014


Debt Solutions

 July 24, 2014


Food & Finance

 July 24, 2014


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Smart Money Tip


Are you ready to take charge of your budget? Try following some - or all - of these 15 simple money saving tips


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This newsletter and are educational outreaches of the Credit Counselling Society, a non-profit service.


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