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March 2019


Learn how to make smarter choices with your money.


3 Secrets to Paying Off Credit Cards Fast


Does it feel like you're the only one who struggles with credit card debt? There's no secret club that teaches you about the costs of credit and debt, and many people, unfortunately, find out the hard way how to deal with it.

Here we share 3 top secrets to make it easier for you to reach your goals, including what happens to points if you get behind.

Credit card debt is expensive and finding ways to pay it off as fast as possible benefits you and your future. Learn how to do this.



There's So Much to Lose If you Don't File Your Taxes

How Filing Your Taxes Can Benefit Your Budget

A few years ago my husband became quite ill right at tax time. Juggling his needs, taking care of our kids and still keeping up with work didn’t leave time to get our taxes filed on time. We had never filed late, but that year it couldn’t be helped.

I had someone do enough of our return to know that we wouldn’t owe any money, but then she put it aside until later in the year when I gave her the rest of the paperwork. If this had happened to us this year, or if you’re trying to decide if it’s worth filing your income taxes on time, let me assure you that it was a real eye-opener for us to see what you can lose if you don’t file, or what benefits get delayed when you file late.

Here’s what could be at stake if you file late or not at all (this link will take you to the blog on



Use an Income Tax Refund to Pay Debt or Save for Emergencies

No matter if your refund is only several hundred dollars, or as much as several thousand dollars – plan how best to use the money to pay debt or add to your savings, before it leaks out of your bank account and you’ve got nothing to show for your hard earned cash.

Paying down your mortgage, credit cards or other debts or setting money aside for savings are great options for an income tax refund. The right solution will depend on your overall financial situation.

Here are some things to consider as you plan ahead...



Arguing About Money? The Way You Have Set Up Your Bank Account May Be to Blame


Do you and your spouse ever disagree about money?

Many couples argue about money, and Credit Counsellors spend time helping couples find ways to organize their money and bank accounts better. Building a realistic household budget together, with spending and savings categories that you can both agree on, is crucial to ending your money feuds.

Here are steps you can take to organize your bank accounts and get on track...



Debt Solutions   |   Education   |   Financial Strategies


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Upcoming Webinars

Budgeting 101

 March 16, 2019

 March 20, 2019

 March 26, 2019


The Truth About Credit

 March 25, 2019

 April 15, 2019


Living Well on a Retirement Income

 March 21, 2019

 April 4, 2019


10 Steps to Retire Without Debt

 March 22, 2019

 May 29, 2019


Death, Taxes and Beyond

 March 26, 2019

 April 9, 2019


75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

 April 6, 2019

 April 29, 2019


Cautious Consumerism

 March 16, 2019

 April 6, 2019


Food and Finance

 March 20, 2019

 April 3, 2019


Couples and Money

 April 16, 2019

 May 22, 2019


Irregular Income

 April 27, 2019

 May 13, 2019


Vacations on a Budget

 April 10, 2019

 May 4, 2019


Raising Financially Fit Kids

 April 25, 2019


Cent$ible Celebrations

 April 2, 2019

 May 14, 2019


More Webinars


Smart Money Tip

"I have found that if a young person understands that the same amount of money they pay every month for a minimum payment on their credit card could potentially make them a millionaire by the time they reach 65, they might think twice about using that credit card." - Doug Borkowski, Director of Iowa State University's Financial Counseling Clinic



This newsletter and are educational initiatives of the Credit Counselling Society, a non-profit service.


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