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june 2015


learn how to make smarter choices with your money

8 Common Financial Problems & How to Overcome Them

Overcoming and solving financial problems.Financial problems and challenges happen to everyone at some point, and the stress and worry can get to you. However, realizing that there is almost always a way out can help give you some hope.

You may be able to find the way out yourself, or you may need someone else's perspective to help you find a solution.

We’ll show you 8 of the most common financial problems and how to overcome them. But, one size does not fit all. If your situation is beyond the help and tips provided here, we’ll also let you know who you can go to for more in-depth assistance. Learn more


How to Get an Awesome Credit Score

How to get a great credit rating.Have you ever wondered if only rich people have awesome credit scores? Wonder no longer. The truth is you don’t have to be rich to have an awesome credit score. You just have to learn to live within your means. If you have a credit score that's less than ideal, you can eventually turn a shabby one into a great one by following these steps.

5 Common Money Mistakes Couples Make & How to Fix Them

A couple with money problems.Openly discussing financial matters is a touchy subject for many, and it’s no different when it comes to couples and money. Depending on each of our own personal histories, our financial problems, our values, and our relationship with money, it can symbolize different things to different people, which can make it difficult to talk about.

Personal finance is a difficult – sometimes embarrassing – topic to discuss with our significant other, and sometimes it seems easier just to ignore the elephant in the room. It’s important to discuss managing money and finances early on in the relationship so we can avoid fighting over money in the future. However, if “early on” has long since past, there’s still hope for your marriage or relationship.

Here are five common money mistakes couples make and how to fix them.


How to Decide if You Can Afford Another Payment or Not

A boat crusing off into the sunset on a summer day.Summer is here. Sun soaked days are calling, and buying a new boat, camping trailer, or other big ticket item can be tempting. But you have to ask yourself, "Can I really really afford it?" Here's how to tell, and how to avoid making impulsive decisions that can derail your financial goals.



Upcoming Webinars

Planning for Post Secondary School

 July 8, 2015


Christmas Without Credit

 July 14, 2015

 Aug 27, 2015


Ending the Financial Feud - Couples & Money

 July 15, 2015

 Aug 15, 2015


Raising Financially Responsible Teens

 July 16, 2015


Raising Financially Fit Kids

 July 15, 2015


Let's Talk Credit

 July 20, 2015

 Aug 13, 2015


Debt Solutions

 July 22, 2015

 Aug 24, 2015


Financing Basics

 July 23, 2015

 Aug 26, 2015


Living on a Fixed Income

 Jul 23, 2015

 Aug 10, 2015


Organize Your Finances in 1 Month

 July 24, 2015


Money Basics for New Canadians

 July 24, 2015


Food & Finance

 July 28, 2015


Super Simple Savings

 Aug 5, 2015


Retiring Without Debt

 Aug 7, 2015


75 Ways to Save on Household Expenses

 Aug 18, 2015


Budget Breakers

 Aug 20, 2015


Budgeting 101: 6 Easy Steps to Manage Your Money

 Aug 24, 2015


More Webinars


Smart Money Tip


8 ways to save a down payment for a home or any other big purchase.




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are educational outreaches of the Credit Counselling Society, a non-profit service.


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